September 29th, 2018 4 min read

Weekend Reading — Just Crawl It

Bruce Lawson "Every software project I've worked on since 1988." Design Objective Dave Herman So much this: Part of the design process is letting a thing get more complicated before it gets simpler again. Unnecessary complexity is often the result of lack of follow-through. You can&

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September 22nd, 2018 5 min read

Weekend Reading — Immutability is different now

美しき物理学bot "微分" (differential) Design Objective How Desktop Dashboards Really Work Using eye tracking to design a better dashboard: Tests demonstrate the effectiveness of negative space. A minimalist layout with space between functional components improves user flow. Julie Presentation matters: Designers, you should present your work with the confidence

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September 15th, 2018 7 min read

Weekend Reading — Nutella donuts

Fluff Society "This family is cuteness overload!" Design Objective Data visualisation, from 1987 to today How computers have transformed data journalism. Remember carbon copy, Tipp-ex, Letraset? Details were copied onto semi-transparent tracing paper from the projected image and later transferred onto the drawing board by means of carbon

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September 9th, 2018 7 min read

Weekend Reading — Oddly Satisfying

Brand New Roman "Brand New Roman is the most corporate Corporate Font ever created! Now all your content can be sponsored content, and sponsored by everybody!" Design Objective The ultimate guide to proper use of animation in UX This article makes good use of animation, to illustrate how

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September 1st, 2018 7 min read

Weekend Reading — All the bounces

Simon Kuestenmacher "Timezones of Antarctica. It must be a mess when all the staff of all arctic research stations want to organize a BBQ or at least a phone conference..." Design Objective Patrick Thornton This should be common knowledge: Designers are usually given symptoms, not actual problems to

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August 25th, 2018 6 min read

Weekend Reading — Rainbows Logos

Rob Russell "Without comment" Design Objective Michael DiTullo Great example of an iconic design, from rough idea to production: Sketch, prototype, production. A sketch from Bertone, I presume by Marcello Gandini, of the Lamborghini Countach. The next image is a similar view of the 1971 Geneva show prototype,

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August 19th, 2018 6 min read

Weekend Reading — Little Professor

Pulp Librarian This is the story of the 1970s great calculator race... (thread) Design Objective Are we designers shamelessly good at self promotion? What do tech designers write about? What do they read and share most? Posts about templates, news, case studies, etc get far more attention than essays about

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August 11th, 2018 5 min read

Weekend Reading — Portable cookie technology

Ruth Ann Crystal, MD "To all of the haters that said this day would never come" Design Objective Why Small Teams Win And Bigger Ones Fail This is not so much about people as constraints, and I agree, step 1 is trim the menu: If you ever watched

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August 4th, 2018 5 min read

Weekend Reading — Professional Goats

Businessweek "LOL" Design Objective Refresh This is what a modern browser should be. Adapt to multiple contexts, help you juggle/finish tasks, supplemental memory. Christy Allison 👍 We need design that is faster and slower. Faster for people who are trying to get things done, and slower for people

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