October 21st, 2017 6 min read

Weekend Reading — Recombobulation Area

Aidin Vaziri "We now basically live on a planet from Star Wars." Design Objective Google is Really Good at Design They've done a remarkable job shifting away from feature-obsessed engineering, and towards user experience, aesthetics, and maybe someday even brand appeal? As an aggressively engineer-led company,

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October 14th, 2017 7 min read

Weekend Reading — Large cat spotted

UPS DOGS via @torclean Design Objective Instacart’s Lead Product Designer on Creating A Design System If at first you fail … Flat Design: Why you should question Nielsen Norman’s research on the trendy design style. You may remember from a few Weekend Readings back, that Nielsen Norman published this

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October 7th, 2017 5 min read

Weekend Reading — Monopoly Man

Kyle Griffin "There is someone dressed like the Monopoly Man at the Senate Equifax hearing." Design Objective Papyrus "He just got away with it. graphic designer..." DHH The performance differences are quite stark, and often you can tell a web app was

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October 1st, 2017 6 min read

Weekend Reading — Dr Brew

Fluff Society "The life every puppy should have" (video) Design Objective Chris Palmieri "This is how you design with graceful degradation: Muji's flashlight works whether you have one or four batteries, double or triple A." Hacking Tables in Sketch App From which I picked

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September 23rd, 2017 5 min read

Weekend Reading — Octlantis

Muselk "Whoever designed this floor is evil. THATS A FLAT CARPET." Design Objective Optical Effects in User Interfaces (for True Nerds) How to make optically balanced icons, correct shapes alignment, and perfect corner rounding. Tools of the Trade Tobie Langel "Finally captured a picture of the @github

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September 16th, 2017 5 min read

Weekend Reading — Fibocatti

Emergency Kittens "chubby but mathematically perfect" Design Objective Mastering the Power of Nothing How to use whitespace in user interface design. How to Design a Form Wizard "Wizards are best employed for long and unfamiliar tasks that the user needs to complete once or rarely." Design

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September 9th, 2017 4 min read

Weekend Reading — Struck by cow

Jaguar has restored this old E-type with an electric upgrade Classic styling and all new wirings. Design Objective Little UI Details The little details that make a big difference: Adding a subtle shadow to white text when on a bright background not only makes it more legible but helps it

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September 3rd, 2017 5 min read

Weekend Reading — The final boss

🌹PⒶVEL 🌹 "After you defeat all the other landscapers, you must face the final boss" Design Objective The One Question Great Designers Ask Hate the hyperbole, but agree strongly with the premise: Not “How should it work?” But “How should it work?” Ignore what everyone else is doing.

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August 26th, 2017 5 min read

Weekend Reading — Low cost

Lowcostcosplay Epic! Design Objective Gojko Adzic 🤔 #1 reason for using post-its for user stories: if it's not done when the glue dries up so much to fall down from the wall, it's obsolete Stop Using The Cup of Coffee vs. $0.99 App Analogy Please. It

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