January 20th, 2024 6 min read

Weekend Reading — Where's my car?

This week we find the missing car, test with cats, remember old computing machines, follow the layoffs on TikTok, ask the chicken the question, and build our Mac with Lego bricks.

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January 13th, 2024 7 min read

Weekend Reading — Layoffs, explained

This week we have a collection of interesting software, Windows 95 for React, a brief explanation of layoffs, a beautiful AI device, a caffeinated Jupiter, and a mouse to clean our house.

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January 6th, 2024 8 min read

Weekend Reading — Happy and safe new year!

This week we run a desktop in the browser, re-learn JavaScript and React Server Components, cover a bunch of cool developer tools, revisit inclusive design, write a brag document, get ourselves a free VPN, and snack on a Shoeshi.

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December 30th, 2023 7 min read

Weekend Reading — Hot Potatoes

This week we decide on monolithic vs micro-service, Remix all the things, run a performance comparison, get better at making decisions, say farewell to Firefox and Substack, exercise every morning, recommend two things you can watch online, and collect our New Year’s event tickets.

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December 23rd, 2023 7 min read

Weekend Reading — Trick AI bot into selling Tahoe for $1

This week we discuss whether HTML is necessary, get a new calendaring app, cover some productivity hacks, balk at AI Gone Wrong, and advise you how to wrap your x-max presents.

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December 16th, 2023 7 min read

Weekend Reading — 🫛 War and peas

This week we solve an SQL murder mystery, watch the mother of all demos, explore the creative playground, cry over some dead startups, list a couple of new cool AI tools, and praise our Neanderthal genes.

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December 9th, 2023 4 min read

Weekend Reading — Current mood

This week we cover HTML bad practices, an NFT that actually makes any sense, alternatives to the dying Evernote, some good design practices, anxiety, digital thermometers, and let’s all be frank about our current mood.

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December 2nd, 2023 6 min read

Weekend Reading — US politics in a nutshell

This week we revisit the PDP-11, learn some CSS, pick some cool apps, take note of AI and ad blockers, and square some politics.

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November 26th, 2023 1 min read

Default Apps 2023

(Inspired by Chris Coyier) 📨 Mail Client: Shortwave and Spark 📮 Mail Server: Google 📝 Notes: Notes and Notion ✅ To-Do: Things 📆 Calendar: Fantastical through Google Calendar 📁 Cloud File Storage: iCloud Drive 📖 RSS: Reeder through Feedly  🙍🏻‍♂️ Contacts: Cardhop 🌐 Browser: Desktop: Arc. iOS: Safari (as I’m forced to) 💬 Chat: Messages, WhatsApp, Slack 🔖 Bookmarks: Raindrop

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